Day & Summer Camps in Woodbine, Maryland

2025 Registration is now open!

* Please note, the best browsers to use are Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. Internet Explorer will not work.

Circle D Farm Summer Day Camp

At Circle D Farm Summer Day Camp we strive to provide our campers with a philosophy in action that will enable them to encompass values learned here for their entire lives, reaching out to others through team sports, fun and shared experiences. The thrill of new knowledge, the enjoyment of being physically fit, the excitement of new and lasting friendships all add up to a memorable experience that each camper will treasure for years to come.

Circle D Farm was purchased by the Dowd family in 1953 and operated as a dairy farm. In 1979, the Summer Day Camp started, with the remainder of the farm used for cropland and pasture. Starting in 1980, the Dowd’s opened their Day Camp facilities for corporate picnics and catered events, as well as a private tennis club with a full-service banquet room and lounge. Circle D provides our growing community with the best in recreation, entertainment and fun in a safe and secure environment, all located in the beautiful countryside.

Camp Information

Circle D Farm’s 2025 Information

June 23rd- August 8th, 2025

We have decided to change the start date of camp to now begin on June 23rd instead of June 16th. Our apologies if this causes any issues. Our last day of camp will still be August 8th.

If you register for camp and we decide to start on June 16th, we will notify you through your CampDocs profile and update our website.

Thank you for understanding. We are looking forward to a wonderful summer.

2025 Rates

Single Camper $385.00 per week

Family Plan: Our family plan applies to children from the same family sending two or more children to camp for the same week(s). Once you have registered all of the children you can respond to the confirmation email requesting the sibling discount.

1st child – $385.00 for the first child per week

Each additional child – $340.00 per week

Tuition for the July 4th week, a 4 day camp week (June 30-July 3rd, 2025)

-Tuition for the July 4th week is 310.00 for the first child-

$270.00 for the July 4th week for each additional child

A one-time, non-refundable registration fee of $50.00 is required with each camper’s application. This $50.00 fee is in addition to the weekly tuition fee. This fee covers the cost of a camp T-shirt, which each camper receives on the first day they attend camp, online registration and other administrative tasks. All camper registrations at Circle D Farm must be approved by the Camp Directors.

You may request to cancel up to 30 days prior to the start of Camp. After that you may be assessed a $50 cancellation fee.

Tuition payments should be made on the CampDoc website.  

Charges will appear on your credit card statement as DocNetwork from Ann Arbor Michigan.

Extended Day Programs

             We will be offering programs before and after camp, starting at 7:00 am and ending at 6:00 pm.  Please email us at [email protected] if you wish to enroll. Pick up and drop off will occur at the white tent in the parking lot.  Programs are $5.00 per hour, per child.  Time will be billed in 15-minute increments and a bill will be available each Friday. Children in the Program will be able to purchase snacks in the afternoon.

Cookout lunch on Thursdays, milk at lunch, and all other camp activities are covered in the cost of tuition. We will notify you when a T-shirt or other item will need to be provided when campers do Tye-Dye at arts and crafts.

Camp tuition has been considered day care in the past. Please check with your tax advisor.

Federal Tax I.D. # 52-1143442

Activities- outdoor fun for everyone!!

Age-appropriate activities are scheduled for campers’ base on their skill level. All activities take place right here on the farm so no time is wasted traveling to different locations.

TEAM SPORTS such as softball, basketball, soccer, kickball, lacrosse, floor hockey, and other games are an integral part of our program. Our emphasis is on acquiring new skills, fun, friends, and learning sportsmanship.

SWIMMING takes place in our 1,200 sq. ft. pool complete with bathhouse. All campers participate in a swimming test on their first day of camp. Children that are less confident in their ability are kept in the shallow-end (3′) that is under the lifeguards’ supervision. Free swims are a favorite part of our daily camp schedule! Certified lifeguards are on duty for all pool activities. Campers visit the pool twice daily and need to bring a swimsuit and towel for the pool each day. Please write your child’s name on their towel and swimsuit so it can be found easily in the vortex of lost and found. Please send a note with the camper if he/she is not to swim on any particular day.

HORSE & TACK sessions are provided for all age levels at least twice a week. Every camper has an opportunity to ride. Basic skills are presented, and riding in the ring under experienced supervision is included at no additional cost. The horseback riding activity is a glorified pony ride, not riding lessons. The campers also have the opportunity to groom the horses. This is a great opportunity for campers who have never been exposed to a horse before. Horse sessions are scheduled a couple of times throughout the week for the campers.

MINIATURE GOLF at Circle D.  A six-hole miniature golf course is available for campers to enjoy.

ARTS & CRAFTS are fun for campers of all ages. This program is scheduled a couple of times per week.


Circle D Farm employs a dedicated staff of experienced young adults with a wide variety of academic backgrounds. We choose individuals who enjoy working with kids in a camp environment. We use qualified, carefully screened college-age counselors; many have been past campers or counselors. Our camp directors, who reside at the camp, work along with the counselors to plan and carry out a fun-filled day of activities.  Staff and counselors are trained in CPR, first aid & use of AEDs. Background checks are completed on all staff by MD State Police and the FBI. Two certified lifeguards are on duty at the pool at all times.

Circle D Farm is regulated and licensed by the Maryland State Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and fully meets or exceeds all camp certification requirements keeping safety, security, and fun of our campers as our priority.

Clothing & Equipment

Campers should wear washable play clothes, marked with their names, and sturdy shoes that tie, Velcro or buckle (NO heelies, flip flops, Crocs or sandals). Towels, bathing suits, sunscreen, and water bottles are required each day. A labeled brown-bagged lunch is required each day, except for Thursdays. A lost and found basket is provided for campers. Please don’t send your child with irreplaceable, favorite items of clothing. Plenty of stations are positioned throughout the camp.

We prefer that you do not send your child with any electronics, including cell phones.

Campers and Counselors follow a  schedule. Each day is a different day.

MONDAY – Camper arrives at camp with lunch, swimsuit (can be worn under clothes to camp), towel, sunscreen, and a water bottle with the camper’s name. Lunches should be marked with the child’s name (NO large lunch boxes please-due to space limitations). 

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY – Same as Monday

THURSDAY – Not necessary to bring a brown paper bag lunch. Circle D will host a cookout for the campers. Cookout includes hotdogs and hamburgers along with chips. Of course, we can prepare vegetarian burgers or other dietary menu items. Update-currently, we can not have visitors for cookouts.

FRIDAY – Contest Day! We will notify families describing the contest for the week such as Halloween Day, T-shirt Day, and Hat contest, etc.

Lunches are kept in a refrigerated walk-in. There are no provisions on the premises for food preparation except Thursday cookouts. Sodas and snacks can be purchased during lunch each day at our snack bar. 2% milk is provided daily at lunch for FREE. Water is available at water stations all day long!

Please let Circle D Farm know if we need to prepare a veggie burger or other special requests for the cookout.

Please send your camper with a disposable lunch bag with their name. Large lunch boxes will take up precious walk-in space.

Circle D Farm provides an “allergy table” at lunch. If your child can not be around certain food items, Circle D Farm has a designated table where these campers can eat with the peace of mind knowing the food items they are allergic to will not be at this table.

Every day, the snack bar sells Coke Products, including Pink Lemonade, for $0.25, variety of potato chips for $0.50, and ice cream sandwiches on Thursday and Fridays for $0.50. No need to send more than a $1.00 to camp. A great idea is to put snack bar money in their lunch bag. This way snack bar money can not get lost until lunch time.

“No man is an Island”

At Circle D Farm Summer Day Camp we strive to provide our campers with a philosophy in action that will enable them to encompass values learned here for their entire lives, reaching out to others through team sports, fun and shared experiences. The thrill of new knowledge, the enjoyment of being physically fit, the excitement of new and lasting friendships all add up to a memorable experience that each camper will treasure for years to come.


Circle D Farm is a part of a 150-acre farm in the hills of western Howard County, Maryland. The camp consists of a large pavilion, swimming pool, tennis courts, basketball courts, and a mini-golf course. Campers enjoy swimming twice daily in out 1,200 square foot pool with a bathhouse. Also located on the grounds is an old barn with a milk house, now used for art and crafts. Ballfields, shaded areas, horseback riding ring, tack room, as well as 40 acres of woods with trails and creeks throughout the camp property.


Circle D Farm was purchased by the Dowd family in 1953 and operated as a dairy farm. In 1979, the Summer Day Camp started, with the remainder of the farm used for cropland and pasture. Starting in 1980, the Dowd’s opened their Day Camp facilities for corporate picnics and catered events, as well as a private tennis club with a full-service banquet room and lounge. Circle D provides our growing community the best in recreation, entertainment and fun in a safe and secure environment, all located in the beautiful countryside.

Want to tour our summer day camp?

We are scheduling tours every Sunday in May. Tours will be available from 1:00-4:00 pm. Time slots are every 30 minutes.

Please email [email protected] to schedule a tour

Camp Hours
9:00 am – 4:00 pm.

For Girls & Boys – Ages 6-12

If you have any questions, please contact the Summer Day Camp Directors. We pride ourselves in being responsive to the needs of our campers and their families.

Contact Information

Circle D Farm Summer Day Camp
15535 Carrs Mill Road
Woodbine, MD 21797

E-Mail: [email protected]
Camp Office: 301-854-6651

Camp Office Administration Hours

(June 23rd-August 8th, 2025) 

Monday-Friday 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

Tim Dowd, Director
Kate Dowd, Assistant Director

2025 Registration is now open

* Please note, the best browsers to use are Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari. Internet Explorer will not work.

*Terms: Campers can register for any number of weeks, from one to seven weeks. Enrollment is limited and we encourage you to register early. There are no allowances made for absences unless approved by the Camp Director. The safety of campers is of the utmost importance at all times. If the camper requires any special needs please consult with the directors. The director reserves the right to immediately remove any destructive, disruptive or unmanageable camper from any activity. If appropriate, the director reserves the right to terminate the camper’s session.

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